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...the ancestor of capital is natural resources and labor. I would accept folding knowledge into labor but every animal has knowledge in that sense bevause it knows how to do the tasks of find food and creating shelter.
Which leads to an important related point which is most knowledge is inherited knowledge from out common culture and most wealth is inherited wealth from our ancestors productivity.
The place you live is safe from predators, natural disasters, most disease, isolation that can lead to poverty and famine, and full of productive things to do because of what we have collectively created together.
You have a system of language, law, education , custom, property, science and technology, etc... That allows you to survive among other people be creative and productive.

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Ну... да. И какой из этого вывод?

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Да так, ничего особо не следует, но мне важным показалось признание факта про то, что вся наша сегодняшняя жизнь базируется на достижениях предков.

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