Shmuel Leib Melamud?
Хочу сделать польский интерфейс.
Shmuel Leib Melamud?
Хочу сделать польский интерфейс.
Two years into the program, subjects assigned to treatment are 20 percent less likely to work than subjects assigned to a control group.
10 простих питань для пошуку складних відповідей після негативних подій.
- Як накопичувалися ризики?
- Де і коли було пройдено точку неповернення?
- Що залежало від мене?
- Що залежало від інших?
- Що особисто я зробив не так?
- Що інші зробили не так?
- Що я та інші повинні змінити, щоб сценарій не повторювався?
40,000 YEARS AGO, HUMANS PARTNERED WITH A COMPETITIVE PREDATOR SPECIES. The oldest dog fossils are ~33k years old from Belgium and Siberia, but some researchers believe we domesticated wolves about 40,000 years ago. In her wonderful book, The Invaders, Pat Shipman suggests that our alliance with wolves or "wolf-dogs" was likely a key factor in how we outcompeted Neanderthals in Europe who died out about that time. Lahtinen et al. (2021) put the domestication date closer to 29,000 years ago, and they attribute the partnership to protein. We humans can only get about 20% of our energy needs from protein, with higher percentages leading to health problems or even death. That's why we often favored the brains, marrow and other fatty portions of our kills. Wolves and dogs, on the other hand, can thrive on lean meat for months.
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I’m generally sympathetic to deontological ethics, especially rights theory. But some years ago, I discovered this paradox for deontological ethics (from Fake Nous).*
[* “A Paradox for Weak Deontology,” Utilitas 21 (2009): 464-77.]
- Background
There is a core type of intuition that drives many deontologists: There are certain ways of harming a person that are thought to be impermissible, even if they would create a larger (but comparable) benefit or prevent a larger (but comparable) harm of the same kind for someone else.
Они могут зафайнтюнить ChatGPT, чтобы он был феминистом. Или не могут? 🙂
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Максим Солохин, «Король и Каролинка»
В тридевятом царстве, в тридесятом государстве жил-был я.
Other studies have found that people who score highly on “Dark Triad” characteristics (narcissism, psychopathy, Machivallianism) may be especially likely to gravitate towards certain strains of “social justice” ideology (here, here, here, here, here, here). Likewise with many inclined towards authoritarianism (here, here, here, here, here).