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Geoffrey Everest Hinton - выдающийся исследователь нейронных сетей.

Charles Howard Hinton - сын его прапрадедушки - автор концепции "четвёртого измерения" и изобретатель слова "тессеракт", его сын - Sebastian Hinton запатентовал jungle gym, трехмерную структуру для лазанья, которую построил Чарльз Говард для своих детей, надеясь развить предпосылки для понимания четвёртого измерения.

Прочие родственники, в.т.ч. Дж.Буль.:

Hinton is the great-great-grandson of the mathematician and educator Mary Everest Boole and her husband, the logician George Boole,[74] whose work eventually became one of the foundations of modern computer science. Another great-great-grandfather of his was the surgeon and author James Hinton,[75] who was the father of the mathematician Charles Howard Hinton.

Hinton's father was the entomologist Howard Hinton.[11][76] His middle name comes from another relative, George Everest, the Surveyor General of India after whom the mountain is named.[35] He is the nephew of the economist Colin Clark.[77]


The first jungle gym was meant to hack kids' brains
Well before the first climbing frame was patented as "jungle gym", mathematician Charles Hinton thought they might be ab…
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