Вроде удалось побольше качества картинке дать, сняв галочку "сжимать".
Reply to the post by @M2aAVGuuQnW:
36% around the world willing to migrate.
This is the result of an opinion poll conducted by "Gallup International" in 57 countries covering about two thirds of the global population
Top countries in terms of willingness to migrate were: Sierra Leone (84%), Ghana (81%) and Nigeria (71%). Lowest willingness was registered in India (4%), Vietnam (8%), Japan (14%).
Syria - 61
Hungary - 46
Palestina - 42
Poland - 37
UK - 36
US - 33
France - 30
Israel - 24
Sweden - 23
Russia - 15https://www.gallup-international.bg/en/46729/one-in-three-global-citizens-want-to-immigrate/